Sunday, September 8, 2013
Herbals: Extreme Thai Kratom
Hello friends!
Yes, another review this weekend. Our friends at Best Kratom USA graced us with several products, and we have chosen to spend this weekend enjoying them and letting you know how they handle.
Today's review is of Extreme Thai Kratom, a new product from BKU. Hopefully a successful addition to the growing selection offered by this provider... and a possible alternative to other Kratoms that are provided, since different types and strains affect different people... differently!
Anyway, we were provided with only 2g of product, so just one person could try it. I had my reservations as to whether it would even be enough to notice any effects. Usually, I take 4-7g of product, because my focus is mostly on pain relief and getting a bit of a heady experience out of the deal, so 2g seemed like a minor dose. However, I went forward with the experience because I figured it would be good to learn if such a small dose would help with general anxiety, energy boosts, and taking the edge off of pain.
For such a small dose, it still took a good 40 minutes to kick in. I'm learning that this just might be the standard for these plant powders. Makes some sense, since you still have to break down the plant components to get to the good stuff inside. Can't really complain though, because when a product works, it works. This one did.
The effects of this Thai variety seemed to be subtle, yet enduring. Over the course of several hours, I felt various effects. At first, it was just a general muscle relaxation and mood enhancement, which was pleasant and enjoyable. It slowly began to work on my body pain after that. It did not wipe it out completely, but its effects on the pain plus the mood enhancement made it so that by this point, I didn't care much that I was still sore.
A little while longer, and I felt particularly limber and energized. I found myself working on a project that I have had a hard time motivating myself to concentrate on with decent ease. Stretching was gratifying, and my legs felt loose and like I could go for a run if I wanted to. All these feelings were very welcome and easily enjoyed, and I would suspect most people would embrace them much like I did.
After several hours, I felt the body temperature rise that I'm used to feeling with most Kratom strains. It was not as intense or hot as I have experienced in the past, so it was not entirely unpleasant. I did feel the effects of not drinking enough water though, and struggled to balance between enjoyment and a headache. I had forgotten one of the cardinal rules of using Kratom. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!
Overall, it was a good experience.
One downside that I have found after this weekend is that I had a backlash type of response from my muscles. After all the effects have worn off, I find myself with worse tension and pain in my shoulder than I did when I started. It could be unrelated, but I would think that if you're going to take this for the relaxation and pain relief properties, you would want to have more than just one or two doses on hand. I know I wish I did!
Anyway, I enjoyed this kratom, and was impressed at its performance with only 2g. I will give it 7.5 out of 10 nods.
Gently increasing, solid effects
Sense of well-being and flexibility
Easily enjoyed
Small amount needed to enjoy
Strain of plant is unknown
Visit Best Kratom USA for this product and more at and let them know you read this review!
Interact with the writers of this blog at
Friday, September 6, 2013
Herbals: Kava and Golden Reserve Kratom
Hello friends!
It's been a while again, and we are so happy that you are still here with us to share in our experiences.
Today we are reviewing another set of products from our friends at Best Kratom USA. This time around, they have supplied us, generously, with several samples of products. They have recently added to their product line and are continuing to work on expanding their availability and operations while striving to provide good prices and great deals for their loyal customers. We are happy to be in contact with them.
After some quick conversations, they dropped these samples in the mail and they got to us quickly. They have confirmed that they find shipping to be a priority for their customers, and we're here to say that our experiences support this fact.
Anyway, on to the products. First up, Kava and Golden Reserve Kratom. Downside? I cannot tell you what strains their products are, which is something that I struggle with. However, this doesn't mean that one cannot enjoy the product.
After some consideration, I started off with the Kava leaf. Known to be a milder supplement, Kava is a relaxation enhancer. Since it has a milder effect, I started with it on an empty stomach and with no other substances active in my system. To be honest, I didn't have many expectations... I didn't even really think I would notice any effect, because I only had 2g of herb to work with. As you may know from previous posts, I'm a bigger person, and often need larger doses. However, the hope was that the Kava would have at least a mild calming effect. The point was to take the edge off the work week and start a good relaxation for the evening.
After about 20 minutes, I re-evaluated the way that I felt. The biggest difference with this product over others, such as Kratom, is that it does not have a significant impact. That is, there is no real moment where you notice the "profound" effects. Rather, it is a gentler, smoother transition to an enhanced tranquility. It does not erase all anxiety or pain, but it does take the edge off. I would say that the supplement would probably do well for people with lower tolerances or those that need a little help relaxing for bedtime. This would not be my first choice for a regular anxiety supplement or recreational relaxation.
One thing that is very common with Kava is that it is often combined with other leafs and plant parts in products, most likely because it does provide this gentle relaxation. The state it creates paves a way for the better enjoyment of other items.
It is this enhancement that led me to add Golden Reserve Kratom.
The strain of Kratom in this product is not known at this time, so it could be a blend or a pure strain. What I can say is that it was an effective and enjoyable Kratom experience. After sitting on the Kava experience for about an hour and a half, I took 2g of Golden Reserve. After about 40 minutes, I felt the Kratom kicking in, and pleasantly so. The combination of the two products definitely seemed to be a good combination, and made it so that the smaller dosage of Kratom worked quite well for me.
This Golden Reserve did a decent job relaxing me and resolving the majority of my chronic pain. It did not give me the expected increase to my body temperature, nor did it mess with my ability to keep my thoughts focused, which are both things that can happen when taking Kratom.
Overall, I would say that this was a good experience. I would recommend trying Kava and seeing how it works for you. Since it is a cheaper supplement, it could be a better alternative for people looking for help with relaxation and aren't looking for a heady experience. Golden Reserve from Best Kratom USA is a decent product, and pairs very well with Kava. I suspect that it would also pair well with other Kratom products and other relaxation products. I would guess that if one were to combine this with Couchlock, it would be one fantastically "melty" evening.
I give this experience 7 out of 10 nods. A solid performance.
Quick release and noticeable relaxation
Timely delivery from supplier
Pain relief
Anxiety calming
Kava may be a little too mild for experienced users
Strains of plants are not known.
You can purchase these products and more by visiting Best Kratom USA at
Let them know you read this review!
You can also connect with with both our writers and BKU on Facebook.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Herbals: Extreme UEI Kratom Capsules and Extreme Platinum Liquid Full Spectrum Kratom (Indo Bali)
Hello Friends!
It's been a while since we have had a review, and for that we apologize! As some of you may know, our main supplier of well priced and high quality products was unjustly raided at the end of June, and that paired with our limited funds has made it difficult to obtain product for review.
So, you may wonder, how have we come to have something to review now? Well, our new friends at BestKratom USA have generously provided us with free samples. As a new to the online market provider, they are currently trying to generate relationships with customers by providing samples on occasion, so that potential customers can try before they buy. It seemed a great time to try product from a new provider. Since this is a retail operation, I'm not 100% sure as to where they are getting the product. That is, I am not sure as to whether they are getting it through a wholesaler, or raising the product and deriving the tinctures themselves, but the important part is to know the quality and efficacy.
At first glance, the sample package looked like any other piece of mail, which in itself was nice. Sometimes it is nice to know that there are real people working to give you real products. I was a little skeptical because the sample was not large. I was pleasantly surprised to find a tincture as well as pills though. Seeing as I've never tried a tincture of Kratom, I was instantly looking forward to seeing how well it worked in comparison to pills.
This free sample included 4 .5g pills and one vial with approximately the same amount of liquid kratom (that is, the equivalent of 4/.5g pills). Based on my previous experience with Kratom, I decided to take all of the provided sample. Starting off with the pills, I took all 4 on a pretty full stomach. Since there has been a chunk of time since the last time I had enjoyed Kratom, it seemed to start kicking a little within 30 minutes. I had taken a couple droppers worth of liquid by this time, because I was pretty sure that it was not going to be enough on just the pills alone.
During the time that I was processing and digesting the Kratom into my system, I was in direct contact with the moderator of the Facebook page of BestKratom USA. I find this pretty cool, that they are willing to have direct conversations with consumers and answer questions. There was some difficulty in actually getting the information but after a few tries, I got the information I was looking for. What was I looking for? I was wondering what the actual strain of Kratom was. It was finally established that this product was Indonesian Bali. I have not tried an enhanced Indo blend before, so I was even more looking forward to the experience.
After about 40 minutes, a noticeable relaxation effect was established. Using a specific spot in my back for pain management impact, I began flexing and moving my muscles to gauge the effect. My pain levels have been pretty escalated over the last couple of days, so I was really hoping for a good amount of relief, if not complete relief.
While the owner insisted that only one pill was needed for a successful dose, I will say that one should continue to dose as personally needed. As is pretty well established in the Kratom industry, 2g is considered the active dosage level. This is why I started with all 4 pills instead of taking just one, and by my experience, these pills are not much more potent than others that I have tried. There's no doubt in my mind that a .5g dose of this product would not have had much, if any, positive effect. That's not to say that it's a crappy product. It's more to say that it's completely adequate, and one should have discretion when dosing in order to have a positive experience.
I added the tincture because while the 2g worth of pills I took were having a calming effect, they were having little to no effect on the pain points in my body. At most, this amount was maybe soothing the outer edge of some of the sharper pains. This, I will say, is a good thing, as most Kratom (for me) needs significantly more product in order to really touch my body pain.
The addition of the tincture was a huge plus though. The flavor was a very strong grape-like flavor, rather tart and definitely in need of dilution. This was easily accomplished with water and soda, so I would not be concerned over the flavor impact. When the liquid made contact with my tongue, it did numb it, much like the gel used by a dentist prior to a novacaine shot, so that was a bit pleasant, and showed me that it had some concentrated numbing properties. I imbibed the entirety of the vial provided, and settled in to monitor the effects as they came.
I am happy to say that this product did pretty well. After about an hour and a half, the full effect had settled in. While I still had a modicum of body discomfort, the main pain point that I was gauging by was significantly relieved. Compared to other strains, this was definitely a bonus, as it took 2-3g less than what I generally take to achieve this effect.
My mood was noticeably elevated, and my body felt pretty good. I was able to stretch, twist, and was almost annoyingly bouncing around a bit. Ultimately, I have decided that this was definitely a decent product, and worth the experience.
After a while, the typical body heat increase happened, so I felt warm for a while. This is usually a good thing for me because it makes my body relax even more.
The only particular downside to this product, as far as I have seen, is the price. Compared to other suppliers of infused Indo, it does seem a little expensive. I'm not sure if my experience warrants the price of $5 a pill. Granted, it is cheaper as you increase the amount you purchase, and this supplier does provide the option of buying in bulk to their regular customers (up to a kilo), so for people who want to buy in bulk, it could be a good option. The other bonus of purchasing from this supplier is that they are freely offering customers to buy in bulk and then create their own "brand" so they can sell under the name of their choosing, instead of being a distributor of their brand. So, one can take from it what they will when making a decision to buy. Personally, I would not be able to buy from them at an amount that would make it financially beneficial at this time, so I cannot definitively say that I would choose them for purchasing.
It has been several hours since I took the product, and I'm still feeling the beneficial effects. Pain relief, anxiety relief, and general relaxation are all still pretty well established, and I expect to get a good night of sleep once I finally go to bed.
All in all, I would rate this as a positive experience, and if given the opportunity to experience more of their product, I would be happy to do so. Again, I encourage those reading this to investigate their options, possibly obtain a free sample, and decide for yourself if the cost is reasonable. You can connect with this supplier by contacting them on Facebook here or visit their website at
If you choose to purchase from them, please be sure to let us know about your experiences!
Overall, I give this product 8 out of 10 nods
Effective anxiety and pain relief
Easy to swallow/taste is manageable
Long lasting
Personalized experience with supplier
Not necessarily more intense or potent than other suppliers
Origins of products are not clearly stated
Friday, May 24, 2013
Supplements: Mega Bliss Caps 2x Power
Hello Friends!
I'm writing this from "Holy Shit Land." This review is of Mega Bliss Caps, a energy and euphoria supplement that is sort of new to the market and promises some pretty lofty things. Just like many of you, I had my doubts, but I wanted to try this product so I could give you all my honest opinion in case you were interested in trying it as well.
To be honest, I've tried taking this a couple times. The first couple of doses didn't do much for me. I can't say exactly why. It could be because of the other substances I had in my system. It could have been what I've eaten, had to drink, my energy, any number of things. I thought, this stuff is disappointing. Then, success!
Recommended dosing is 4 pills, and I originally stuck to this despite the fact that I'm an above average sized person. My success occurred when I took a double dose on a primarily empty stomach.
This is pretty uncomfortable for me. For some reason, these pills cause almost immediate stomach discomfort for me, regardless of what size dose I swallow. This is pretty easily offset by eating some food and drinking some water, but I would say don't overdo that either. It seems to be a precarious balance.
After 25 minutes or so, I was suddenly hit with a profound and full body lift of euphoria, unlike anything I've felt from anything I've tried legally. I couldn't believe it. Practically struck dumb, I reveled in this feeling for a solid 15-20 minutes, brag-worthy pain free sensations. Touch was heightened, flavors more intense, my whole body felt amazing.
Thinking it was too good to be true, I waited a day, and did another double dose, this time eating more to keep my stomach from hurting. The delay in processing of the pills was longer, maybe 40 minutes, but the same profound full body euphoria struck.
I'm practically speechless to explain how this stuff makes me feel. All I can say is that for my intense pain issues, it's gives me 100% of a break from feeling pain and discomfort.
The effects last maybe an hour, with a fairly easy come down and a lingering relaxation. I'm hoping that more food will mean a longer feeling of euphoria. I highly recommend trying this product and finding the right dose for you. If you are sensitive to caffeine, it may not be right for you.
I give this product 9.5 out of 10 nods. For sure!
Established euphoria and feelings of bliss
Effective on pain relief for a modest amount of time
Smell raspberries initially when digesting
Can cause stomach upset
May be too much for people with certain sensitivities.
I'm writing this from "Holy Shit Land." This review is of Mega Bliss Caps, a energy and euphoria supplement that is sort of new to the market and promises some pretty lofty things. Just like many of you, I had my doubts, but I wanted to try this product so I could give you all my honest opinion in case you were interested in trying it as well.
To be honest, I've tried taking this a couple times. The first couple of doses didn't do much for me. I can't say exactly why. It could be because of the other substances I had in my system. It could have been what I've eaten, had to drink, my energy, any number of things. I thought, this stuff is disappointing. Then, success!
Recommended dosing is 4 pills, and I originally stuck to this despite the fact that I'm an above average sized person. My success occurred when I took a double dose on a primarily empty stomach.
This is pretty uncomfortable for me. For some reason, these pills cause almost immediate stomach discomfort for me, regardless of what size dose I swallow. This is pretty easily offset by eating some food and drinking some water, but I would say don't overdo that either. It seems to be a precarious balance.
After 25 minutes or so, I was suddenly hit with a profound and full body lift of euphoria, unlike anything I've felt from anything I've tried legally. I couldn't believe it. Practically struck dumb, I reveled in this feeling for a solid 15-20 minutes, brag-worthy pain free sensations. Touch was heightened, flavors more intense, my whole body felt amazing.
Thinking it was too good to be true, I waited a day, and did another double dose, this time eating more to keep my stomach from hurting. The delay in processing of the pills was longer, maybe 40 minutes, but the same profound full body euphoria struck.
I'm practically speechless to explain how this stuff makes me feel. All I can say is that for my intense pain issues, it's gives me 100% of a break from feeling pain and discomfort.
The effects last maybe an hour, with a fairly easy come down and a lingering relaxation. I'm hoping that more food will mean a longer feeling of euphoria. I highly recommend trying this product and finding the right dose for you. If you are sensitive to caffeine, it may not be right for you.
I give this product 9.5 out of 10 nods. For sure!
Established euphoria and feelings of bliss
Effective on pain relief for a modest amount of time
Smell raspberries initially when digesting
Can cause stomach upset
May be too much for people with certain sensitivities.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Herbals: Kratom Therapy's Superior Red Dragon Kratom
Hello Friends!
Today's review is featuring Kratom Therapy's Superior Red Dragon Kratom. As mentioned in previous entries, this strain has been touted as several individual's favorite strain of kratom, and I was eager to try it. Kratom itself has an enthusiastic following, and each person has their favorite strain, or mix of strains, to enjoy. This strain, however, is one that is not necessarily available through every retailer, so I looked forward to seeing what might be different about it as compared to others that have come across the trial desk.
The first thing I noticed is that this product does, in fact, have a mild reddish hue to it. The quality of the capsules is on par with other products from KT, so a very favorable appearance indeed. At less than $20 for 30 pills, the price was quite acceptable as well.
Still sitting in a state of pretty intense pain, I was sincerely hoping for some relief of pain and stress. I can safely say that for me, this strain had a mild pain relieving effect, and a significant stress relief effect. Within 40 minutes of swallowing 4g, I found myself zoning out to the point of catching the giggles. This euphoria state was quite enjoyable, and seemed to last for a longer time than experienced with other strains. Unfortunately, it didn't do a lot for the neuropathic pain but it did at least take the edge off. I suspect that combining this strain with Maeng Da would be a very pleasurable experience.
One thing that I did get to experience this time was what it was like to take a prescription narcotic with kratom. My doctor gave me Vicodin for the pain. Taking it with Red Dragon created an intense relief that completely erased all pain for at least an hour, if not longer. I honestly lost track. Unlike other substances I've admitted to using, my doctor did not have a problem with this one, and it did not keep him from prescribing pain killers. I cannot vouch for all physicians so proceed with caution. For the sake of being responsible with one's own healthcare, it's important to let them know when you are taking these types of things, but it's also important to be educated about it enough to tell them the what, why, and how of the supplements you choose to use.
I found that this strain, more than others, inspired copious sweating and elevated heart rate. I suppose this means that for some, it would act as a waking stimulant. For me, this effect usually inspires relaxation and sleep; a natural attempt to calm the heart rate I suppose. I recommend keeping your dosage modest until you are aware of how it might affect you. Last thing we want to see happen is an unfortunate side effect for a great product.
Another experience I had with this strain was using some undefined incense with a decent dosage of Red Dragon. This, my friends, nearly floored me. On almost an empty stomach, I partook of this combination at a location away from home. I found myself struggling to keep myself together enough to get home and get something to eat. If you plan to do this particular combination, please do so with caution. Do not drive if you can at all help it! Plan to stay put for a little bit so that you can enjoy it while being safe at the same time.
Other things I recommend trying while enjoying this strain of kratom: stretching, watching a favorite movie or show, music, a nap, and eating. Even though the pain aspect was not significantly affected, I enjoyed using this strain quite a bit. I can understand why people have chosen it as a favorite. Depending on what you're looking for, Red Dragon could be your favorite too!
Overall, I will give it 7 out of 10 nods.
Heightened daily experiences
Potentiator for other substances
Not as potent for pain
Over-stimulating in some cases
For a great price on this enjoyable strain, visit my friends at Super Fun Cave!
Buy Kratom Online!
Today's review is featuring Kratom Therapy's Superior Red Dragon Kratom. As mentioned in previous entries, this strain has been touted as several individual's favorite strain of kratom, and I was eager to try it. Kratom itself has an enthusiastic following, and each person has their favorite strain, or mix of strains, to enjoy. This strain, however, is one that is not necessarily available through every retailer, so I looked forward to seeing what might be different about it as compared to others that have come across the trial desk.
The first thing I noticed is that this product does, in fact, have a mild reddish hue to it. The quality of the capsules is on par with other products from KT, so a very favorable appearance indeed. At less than $20 for 30 pills, the price was quite acceptable as well.
Still sitting in a state of pretty intense pain, I was sincerely hoping for some relief of pain and stress. I can safely say that for me, this strain had a mild pain relieving effect, and a significant stress relief effect. Within 40 minutes of swallowing 4g, I found myself zoning out to the point of catching the giggles. This euphoria state was quite enjoyable, and seemed to last for a longer time than experienced with other strains. Unfortunately, it didn't do a lot for the neuropathic pain but it did at least take the edge off. I suspect that combining this strain with Maeng Da would be a very pleasurable experience.
One thing that I did get to experience this time was what it was like to take a prescription narcotic with kratom. My doctor gave me Vicodin for the pain. Taking it with Red Dragon created an intense relief that completely erased all pain for at least an hour, if not longer. I honestly lost track. Unlike other substances I've admitted to using, my doctor did not have a problem with this one, and it did not keep him from prescribing pain killers. I cannot vouch for all physicians so proceed with caution. For the sake of being responsible with one's own healthcare, it's important to let them know when you are taking these types of things, but it's also important to be educated about it enough to tell them the what, why, and how of the supplements you choose to use.
I found that this strain, more than others, inspired copious sweating and elevated heart rate. I suppose this means that for some, it would act as a waking stimulant. For me, this effect usually inspires relaxation and sleep; a natural attempt to calm the heart rate I suppose. I recommend keeping your dosage modest until you are aware of how it might affect you. Last thing we want to see happen is an unfortunate side effect for a great product.
Another experience I had with this strain was using some undefined incense with a decent dosage of Red Dragon. This, my friends, nearly floored me. On almost an empty stomach, I partook of this combination at a location away from home. I found myself struggling to keep myself together enough to get home and get something to eat. If you plan to do this particular combination, please do so with caution. Do not drive if you can at all help it! Plan to stay put for a little bit so that you can enjoy it while being safe at the same time.
Other things I recommend trying while enjoying this strain of kratom: stretching, watching a favorite movie or show, music, a nap, and eating. Even though the pain aspect was not significantly affected, I enjoyed using this strain quite a bit. I can understand why people have chosen it as a favorite. Depending on what you're looking for, Red Dragon could be your favorite too!
Overall, I will give it 7 out of 10 nods.
Heightened daily experiences
Potentiator for other substances
Not as potent for pain
Over-stimulating in some cases
For a great price on this enjoyable strain, visit my friends at Super Fun Cave!
Buy Kratom Online!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
A Few Words for Thought
Hello Friends!
As momentum builds with our blog, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for visiting, reading, and for any potential content additions.
It has become clear that we are starting to gather some attention from the Kratom community. This is wonderful! It's encouraging to see how many people are really interested in enjoying and promoting this fantastic plant.
That being said, this is not the place for any and all promoters to advertise their wares. Yes, we promote specific suppliers, but this promotion will (hopefully) become a means to fund our reviews. We are not trying to trick anyone, nor are we looking to get rich off of our readership. We just realize that when it comes to these types of products, it can be difficult to find a supplier or shop that provides decent prices and quality products.
If you read our blog and find yourself wanting to be featured for kratom or other supplements, by all means, send us a message! We would be happy to consider trying products from other sources, as long as things are done on the up and up.
Taking all of this into account, please let it be known that if anyone abuses our automatic publishing of comments by attempting to piggyback on our posts for advertising, those comments *will* be removed. If it continues to happen, we *will* be inclined to block said individuals from posting comments at all, and we will no longer consider doing business with them.
To recap, this is a blog for reviews and to provide information for those interested in trying the products featured. Any advertising done is solely to attempt to cover the costs of said products. We will continue to do this regardless. It is not a place to sneak in free advertising for your company.
Connect with us on Facebook! We are there, Herbal Headventures, and you can get up to date notices when we release new reviews and also interact with us! Hope to see you there :)
As momentum builds with our blog, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for visiting, reading, and for any potential content additions.
It has become clear that we are starting to gather some attention from the Kratom community. This is wonderful! It's encouraging to see how many people are really interested in enjoying and promoting this fantastic plant.
That being said, this is not the place for any and all promoters to advertise their wares. Yes, we promote specific suppliers, but this promotion will (hopefully) become a means to fund our reviews. We are not trying to trick anyone, nor are we looking to get rich off of our readership. We just realize that when it comes to these types of products, it can be difficult to find a supplier or shop that provides decent prices and quality products.
If you read our blog and find yourself wanting to be featured for kratom or other supplements, by all means, send us a message! We would be happy to consider trying products from other sources, as long as things are done on the up and up.
Taking all of this into account, please let it be known that if anyone abuses our automatic publishing of comments by attempting to piggyback on our posts for advertising, those comments *will* be removed. If it continues to happen, we *will* be inclined to block said individuals from posting comments at all, and we will no longer consider doing business with them.
To recap, this is a blog for reviews and to provide information for those interested in trying the products featured. Any advertising done is solely to attempt to cover the costs of said products. We will continue to do this regardless. It is not a place to sneak in free advertising for your company.
Connect with us on Facebook! We are there, Herbal Headventures, and you can get up to date notices when we release new reviews and also interact with us! Hope to see you there :)
Friday, May 10, 2013
Herbals: Kratom Therapy's Superior Maeng Da Kratom
This weekend, we are trying our current favorite strain of Kratom from a different supplier. Kratom Therapy's Superior Maeng Da Kratom holds the promise of pain relief, relaxation, and general mood boost at a great price. It's hard to beat the price you can get at Super Fun Cave. The question is, will the quality hold up at such a price? Or will quality be the cost of bargain shopping?
First impressions... One thing that I really appreciate is that the capsules from KT come in a quality, safety cap bottle. While I don't have children in my house, I do feel that this gives a more professional impression, and a more reliable seal. Don't get me wrong, other products from SFC have been great, and the fact that they came in bags or easy-open canisters is no reason to avoid the fine experiences one can have with them. I just feel this is a great thing to mention for those that DO have kids, and would like to have a safer alternative to the bags. Personally, I plan to keep the bottle and use it to store my "stash."
My original intention was to purchase Superior Red Dragon Kratom from KT, as it's rumored to be a lot of people's favorite. Well, this is supported by the fact that when I tried to order it, it was out of stock! It's a pretty well-established fact that Maeng Da is my current reigning champ, and I'm happy to sample it from various companies in order to make a good recommendation to those that are turning to this blog for help deciding. I suppose when your access is limited, it's better to go with the familiar over the new, but let the promise be known that the intention is to try all strains of Kratom available.
Anyway, on to the product at hand. While the bottle is safety capped, it is not very difficult to open. I like the fact that it's large enough to palm it and turn, which could help many who suffer from pain in their hands and rely on Kratom to relieve it. The capsules are standard .5g size, and obviously packed fresh. The bottle is a little bit dusty, but that's to be expected, especially from a company that deals in both caps and powders. One thing that can be appreciated is that this are not gelatin caps. They are 100% pharmaceutical grade vegetable capsules. I note this because I realize that many herbal enthusiasts are also animal-friendly. It was very easy to swallow 4g worth (8 pills) in one gulp.
This first dose took about 40 minutes to kick in, but when it started to hit, it hit big. As some of you may be familiar with, spring time is a time where many with pain syndromes feel just about every weather change to the core. I am no exception. Lately, I've been suffering a lot of acute fibromyalgia pain and some arthritic pain in my knees and arms. This type of pain can affect the mood, sleep, and other daily experiences, so you can imagine how uncomfortable I was when I took the pills.
At that first hit, I found my body relaxing and the aches beginning to dull. My body temperature definitely rose, which is not uncommon for Kratom, but it was not unpleasant. It felt sort of like bathing in the warmth next to a burning fire. My muscles became more pliable, where I could bend in ways that have been restricted for a while. Using this state to stretch felt amazing. I highly recommend doing some stretches if you feel so inspired, though of course, do so with caution if you have a medical condition that might be harmed by doing so.
As I concentrated on the feeling, my anxiety melted. My aches faded. I felt like I could breathe again, and enjoyed the cool spring breeze coming through the window. Soon, I found myself trying to encourage a friend to give Kratom a pain relieving try.
After about an hour, I got a touch of the munchies, but nothing too intense. After a snack, I was thirsty like crazy, and downed almost a liter of water in one set of swallows. I definitely urge you to keep a fair amount of water handy. (I thought you'd all like to know that when I originally went to write handy, I actually wrote "happy"... Perhaps indicative of how I feel?) As I've said before, the recommendation is generally 3oz of water per gram. This means that my liter of water clearly satisfied the "rule" and covered me for the 2g I added after about 2 hours.
The overall relief of pain and mental pressure is very enjoyable. Flavors of soda and cigarettes are more enjoyable. I'm pretty sure that if I added grass to the mix, I'd be blown out of my mind for a bit, but there isn't any around. I desperately wish I had bought more China Red like I was tempted to do because the flavor sounds mouth watering.
My plan for the rest of the evening is a long hot bubble bath and hopefully some blissful sleep. I promise to report any amazing dreams I might have in a special edition post ;)
Conclusions? I can honestly say this is probably the best solo use of Kratom that I've had so far. That is, without mixing it with other products or with grass. I'm not even taking OTC painkillers like I've had to for the last several days. Just a solo run, with the exception of SSRI, SNRI, and vitamins. While I'm well aware of the fact that these things are not intended for use with psychotropic medications, I firmly believe that one can experience just about anything they want to experience as long as it is done so responsibly.
I give Kratom Therapy's Superior Maeng Da 9 out of 10 nods. The only downside I've experienced is the fact that my pain is not obliterated completely. This, however, is hard for me to find outside of a hospital, so it's definitely a WIN in my book!
Pain relief
Mood boosting, mentally stabilizing
Profound relaxation
Heightened flavors, happiness, and well-being
None that I've experienced. Possibly my need to take extra, but that is a personal effect.
Want to try this quality product? Visit my friends at Super Fun Cave!
Buy Kratom Online!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Herbals: Kratom Therapy Superior Malaysian Kratom
Hello Friends!
I must apologize for the delay in this review; I decided to take several days of recurring use since my initial dosing, to make sure that the results were repeatable. I am happy to say, that this product provided a consistent and enjoyable experience.
The review for today is Kratom Therapy's Superior Malaysian Kratom. I received this as a free sample when ordering from my go-to for herbals, Super Fun Cave. This is a very generous sample. The package weighed in at 30g, which for those that know Kratom, is no small sample. It provided me several doses of high quality Kratom, something I really needed.
Lucky me that soon after trying this product, my favorite seller of herbals announced that they would be carrying all lines of products from Kratom Therapy, which makes it even easier for me to say, you really should try this product!
When I first realized that my sample was just powder, I was a little skeptical. I have usually taken my Kratom in pill form. The one time that I tried to take a powder, the flavor was so harsh that I gagged. However, this product proved to me that not all Kratom tastes the same. Using a scale, I measured out 5-7g, depending on who was taking the dose, but Kratom is technically active at 2g for an average person.
At first, we opted to mix the powder into some tea. While it could be easier for some to take it in a liquid of choice, I noticed that the powder does not really blend into liquid, so it can be difficult to drink anyway. After a couple times mixing it in, I decided to try and just put it in my mouth. To my surprise, the flavor was not bad at all. While it does taste like leaves, it does not taste harsh. It tastes something reminiscent to the taste I used to have on my water bottle during softball games. I suppose it would be "dirt" but not like taking a spoon of dirt. More like, a light film of dirt. Anyway, it was easy to put in my mouth, to moisten with my saliva (which I recommend, as my first try I did not do this before swallowing and ended up with powder in my nose) and swallow with a couple gulps of soda.
While I waited, I mused on the fact that I had been almost pissed when I realized it was powder when I originally found the sample. The powder was really not that bad! Granted, this company also provides capsule machines AND ready made capsules, so you do not have to buy it in powder form.
About 20 minutes after ingesting the Kratom, you start to notice effects. This was consistent in all 3 people that have partaken of this product. We have a novice user, a moderate user, and an expert user try products for most of our entries for this purpose, to see how the product fares with different user groups. Anyway, 20-30 minutes inspires a feeling of relaxation, the onset of pain relief (particularly in headaches and muscle aches), and anxiety relief.
Next up is a flooding off "good vibes" much like when you catch a buzz while drinking. It's enough to make you laugh easier, giggle, smile, without being too much.
It inspires a strange sense of warmth. More than one of us felt inclined to remove our clothes (but waited for appropriate circumstances). It sometimes creates a sweating state, with easily elevated heart rate while feeling like you want to take a nap. My recommendation is wear something comfy, and just relax. It's when you try to do things around the house that you will inspire the heart rate jump.
It also might inspire elevated sexual interest and responsiveness. I would use in moderation until you know how you might react.
This product receives 8.5 nods out of 10.
Easy to eat
Pleasant feelings that range a wide spectrum of enjoyment
Cost efficient
Can be hard to take (as a powder)
Heat sensations and elevated heart rate can be uncomfortable.
Interested in trying this product? Head on over to my friends and let them know you're happy they carry it now!
I must apologize for the delay in this review; I decided to take several days of recurring use since my initial dosing, to make sure that the results were repeatable. I am happy to say, that this product provided a consistent and enjoyable experience.
The review for today is Kratom Therapy's Superior Malaysian Kratom. I received this as a free sample when ordering from my go-to for herbals, Super Fun Cave. This is a very generous sample. The package weighed in at 30g, which for those that know Kratom, is no small sample. It provided me several doses of high quality Kratom, something I really needed.
Lucky me that soon after trying this product, my favorite seller of herbals announced that they would be carrying all lines of products from Kratom Therapy, which makes it even easier for me to say, you really should try this product!
When I first realized that my sample was just powder, I was a little skeptical. I have usually taken my Kratom in pill form. The one time that I tried to take a powder, the flavor was so harsh that I gagged. However, this product proved to me that not all Kratom tastes the same. Using a scale, I measured out 5-7g, depending on who was taking the dose, but Kratom is technically active at 2g for an average person.
At first, we opted to mix the powder into some tea. While it could be easier for some to take it in a liquid of choice, I noticed that the powder does not really blend into liquid, so it can be difficult to drink anyway. After a couple times mixing it in, I decided to try and just put it in my mouth. To my surprise, the flavor was not bad at all. While it does taste like leaves, it does not taste harsh. It tastes something reminiscent to the taste I used to have on my water bottle during softball games. I suppose it would be "dirt" but not like taking a spoon of dirt. More like, a light film of dirt. Anyway, it was easy to put in my mouth, to moisten with my saliva (which I recommend, as my first try I did not do this before swallowing and ended up with powder in my nose) and swallow with a couple gulps of soda.
While I waited, I mused on the fact that I had been almost pissed when I realized it was powder when I originally found the sample. The powder was really not that bad! Granted, this company also provides capsule machines AND ready made capsules, so you do not have to buy it in powder form.
About 20 minutes after ingesting the Kratom, you start to notice effects. This was consistent in all 3 people that have partaken of this product. We have a novice user, a moderate user, and an expert user try products for most of our entries for this purpose, to see how the product fares with different user groups. Anyway, 20-30 minutes inspires a feeling of relaxation, the onset of pain relief (particularly in headaches and muscle aches), and anxiety relief.
Next up is a flooding off "good vibes" much like when you catch a buzz while drinking. It's enough to make you laugh easier, giggle, smile, without being too much.
It inspires a strange sense of warmth. More than one of us felt inclined to remove our clothes (but waited for appropriate circumstances). It sometimes creates a sweating state, with easily elevated heart rate while feeling like you want to take a nap. My recommendation is wear something comfy, and just relax. It's when you try to do things around the house that you will inspire the heart rate jump.
It also might inspire elevated sexual interest and responsiveness. I would use in moderation until you know how you might react.
This product receives 8.5 nods out of 10.
Easy to eat
Pleasant feelings that range a wide spectrum of enjoyment
Cost efficient
Can be hard to take (as a powder)
Heat sensations and elevated heart rate can be uncomfortable.
Interested in trying this product? Head on over to my friends and let them know you're happy they carry it now!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Herbals: Captain Amsterdam's Blue Lotus
Hello Friends!
Today's herbal headventure is different from those we have done so far. We have stuck to a lot of pills and smokeables, but today, we go into the realm of teas.
After doing a fair amount of research on how to prepare blue lotus, we settled on steeping the petals and parts as a tea. Lots of people talk about making lotus wine, where you would take a good, high alcohol wine, drink a bit, then stuff the lotus parts into the bottle. Recork, let sit for a week or two, then drink. Well, honestly? We didn't want to wait, and didn't want to risk the fact that alcohol could very well limit the "ecstasy" sensations that are rumored.
For those of you that don't know, blue lotus is a plant that has been used for centuries as a pain relieving, calming, and generally enjoyable aphrodisiac. Depending on the reports you read, people have experienced anywhere from zero effect to those relative to taking ecstasy. Euphoria, relaxation, pain relief, improved sleep, and vibrant music and sex experiences are reported. These are attractive side effects. The question is, will we be able to stomach the tea? The plant parts? Only one way to really find out.
Anyway, the way we prepared the tea is as such:
Empty 15g of plant parts (mostly petals and stamens. according to sources, these are the most potent parts, and for that I must commend Captain Amsterdam on a quality product) into a small, 4 cup coffee pot.
Added water to the coffeemaker, and allowed it to heat, steam, and steep the plant parts much like brewing tea from tea bags.
After the blue lotus had been thoroughly steeped in hot water, we added it to about 3 liters of water in the bottle pictured. The plant parts were transferred to this bottle for further steeping via spoon.
Since the blue lotus created a tea that is pretty much an unsweetened black tea, we decided to combine it with a raspberry green tea powder packet to ease the flavor. Past experiences have shown that this particular tea mix does a great job in overpowering flavors of plant items.
A previous experience with kratom powder resulted in green tea kratom ice cubes. We decided to add about 8 kratom cubes to this tea, to help cool it, but also to combine the effects a bit.
This preparation appears to be a good one, especially for the time frame. The only issue is chilling the tea to a palatable temperature. We opted to place the bottle in the freezer for quick cooling.
Based on research, we will drink the liquid AND eat the plant parts.
First off, the flavor and consistency of this concoction... It's definitely something different. Some people might enjoy the tea flavor, but since I'm more of a green tea fan than black, it was a bit harsh. I considered adding some sugar but... it was easier to just toss back the drink.
At first, we did leave the plant parts in the tea, but after one glass, I decided to filter it. I did this pretty simply using coffee filters and the filter cup of the coffeemaker. This made the tea substantially more drinkable. We abandoned the idea to eat the plant; I know it holds components that do not come out in water, but it was just too much. The soggy petals and such just made me gag.
My boyfriend drank about 28oz, and I drank approximately 40oz. He just didn't stomach it too well, and I was determined to drink my "half." Both of us felt nauseous almost right away. My assumption is that it was too much liquid at once. After about 20 minutes, I got the incredible urge to eat, almost like when you get the munchies, and after a big bowl of cereal, I felt a lot better. Usually with these things, you want to take it on an empty stomach, but I suppose I would suggest that if you have a tendency to get queasy, don't be afraid to eat.
After about an hour, presumably because we had to digest the tea, various side effects were reported. He told me that he felt clarity and an increase in heart rate. I experienced a chill out effect, floaty head, slowed thoughts, that sort of thing. After several hours, his state stayed relatively the same, though he felt more relaxed/didn't feel much. Me? I had tingly feelings, heavy relaxation, and tactile sensations are slightly heightened.
Overall? It was an interesting adventure. I can't attest to whether "brewing" it in wine would be easier or tastier. After this, I am not very tempted to buy another one of these packets. I'm more interested in getting it in pill form, so I wouldn't have to mess with the parts of the plant. If you're a natural tea brewer, you might enjoy it in loose material form, but it's just not for me.
I'd give this 4 out of 10 nods for my personal experience, but I'd be happy to read information about better and more involved steeping and experiences. What are your thoughts?
Ease of preparation
Relaxation effects
Mild tactile and mental acuity improvement
Dried plant is hard to stomach. Can be too much for ingesting
Not as strong as hoped
Mixed experiences make the herb unpredictable.
Today's herbal headventure is different from those we have done so far. We have stuck to a lot of pills and smokeables, but today, we go into the realm of teas.
After doing a fair amount of research on how to prepare blue lotus, we settled on steeping the petals and parts as a tea. Lots of people talk about making lotus wine, where you would take a good, high alcohol wine, drink a bit, then stuff the lotus parts into the bottle. Recork, let sit for a week or two, then drink. Well, honestly? We didn't want to wait, and didn't want to risk the fact that alcohol could very well limit the "ecstasy" sensations that are rumored.
For those of you that don't know, blue lotus is a plant that has been used for centuries as a pain relieving, calming, and generally enjoyable aphrodisiac. Depending on the reports you read, people have experienced anywhere from zero effect to those relative to taking ecstasy. Euphoria, relaxation, pain relief, improved sleep, and vibrant music and sex experiences are reported. These are attractive side effects. The question is, will we be able to stomach the tea? The plant parts? Only one way to really find out.
Anyway, the way we prepared the tea is as such:
Empty 15g of plant parts (mostly petals and stamens. according to sources, these are the most potent parts, and for that I must commend Captain Amsterdam on a quality product) into a small, 4 cup coffee pot.
Added water to the coffeemaker, and allowed it to heat, steam, and steep the plant parts much like brewing tea from tea bags.
After the blue lotus had been thoroughly steeped in hot water, we added it to about 3 liters of water in the bottle pictured. The plant parts were transferred to this bottle for further steeping via spoon.
Since the blue lotus created a tea that is pretty much an unsweetened black tea, we decided to combine it with a raspberry green tea powder packet to ease the flavor. Past experiences have shown that this particular tea mix does a great job in overpowering flavors of plant items.
A previous experience with kratom powder resulted in green tea kratom ice cubes. We decided to add about 8 kratom cubes to this tea, to help cool it, but also to combine the effects a bit.
This preparation appears to be a good one, especially for the time frame. The only issue is chilling the tea to a palatable temperature. We opted to place the bottle in the freezer for quick cooling.
Based on research, we will drink the liquid AND eat the plant parts.
First off, the flavor and consistency of this concoction... It's definitely something different. Some people might enjoy the tea flavor, but since I'm more of a green tea fan than black, it was a bit harsh. I considered adding some sugar but... it was easier to just toss back the drink.
At first, we did leave the plant parts in the tea, but after one glass, I decided to filter it. I did this pretty simply using coffee filters and the filter cup of the coffeemaker. This made the tea substantially more drinkable. We abandoned the idea to eat the plant; I know it holds components that do not come out in water, but it was just too much. The soggy petals and such just made me gag.
My boyfriend drank about 28oz, and I drank approximately 40oz. He just didn't stomach it too well, and I was determined to drink my "half." Both of us felt nauseous almost right away. My assumption is that it was too much liquid at once. After about 20 minutes, I got the incredible urge to eat, almost like when you get the munchies, and after a big bowl of cereal, I felt a lot better. Usually with these things, you want to take it on an empty stomach, but I suppose I would suggest that if you have a tendency to get queasy, don't be afraid to eat.
After about an hour, presumably because we had to digest the tea, various side effects were reported. He told me that he felt clarity and an increase in heart rate. I experienced a chill out effect, floaty head, slowed thoughts, that sort of thing. After several hours, his state stayed relatively the same, though he felt more relaxed/didn't feel much. Me? I had tingly feelings, heavy relaxation, and tactile sensations are slightly heightened.
Overall? It was an interesting adventure. I can't attest to whether "brewing" it in wine would be easier or tastier. After this, I am not very tempted to buy another one of these packets. I'm more interested in getting it in pill form, so I wouldn't have to mess with the parts of the plant. If you're a natural tea brewer, you might enjoy it in loose material form, but it's just not for me.
I'd give this 4 out of 10 nods for my personal experience, but I'd be happy to read information about better and more involved steeping and experiences. What are your thoughts?
Ease of preparation
Relaxation effects
Mild tactile and mental acuity improvement
Dried plant is hard to stomach. Can be too much for ingesting
Not as strong as hoped
Mixed experiences make the herb unpredictable.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Herbals: Mayan Kratom Dietary Supplement
Today I am reviewing Mayan Kratom. Listed as a dietary supplement, my decision to try this product was almost exclusively based on two things: price, and the recommendations I was given. Unlike other alternative herbals, and even other Kratom products, my expectation for this product was not to produce a heady fog, but to give a trial run on managing my chronic pain.
A little anecdote first: As many of you may not know, I suffer from a permanent and debilitating condition called degenerative disc disease. While it is common in the elderly, it proves bothersome for younger patients such as myself. Diagnosed at 28, I have been dealing with this condition and its symptoms for the majority of my life. I have had little success with traditional medicine, and at the tender age of 30, I have decided to branch out to other options. I will admit that I did a lot of major episode control using 420 green. However, as I get older, I realize that being that out of my cognitive mind while managing pain is just not life-friendly. So, out of almost desperation, I turned to Kratom and other legal, alternative pain management protocols.
More than once, I was told that this would be a great product for long term, chronic pain.Wanting to give it a fair and unhindered trial, I chose today to take the product much in the same way I would if I was regularly treating my pain with it.
On the ER scale of 1 to 10, describing my daily pain is usually no less than a 7. For those of you who are unfamiliar, this categorizes my symptoms as severe. Every once in a blue moon, I have a "good" day, where the pain is at a 4 or 5, but today, along with several days prior, was settled into an easy 7, with flares up to 9, and sometimes even to yelping and tears. So, that being said, I started my day off with a dose of 6g (these are 1g pills).
Kratom gets going in your system fairly quickly, so I felt the beginning effects about 20 minutes after I took my first dose. I "test" the effects by moving and flexing my spine, to see how much of a twinge I feel. That first dose did not erase my pain; rather, it settled the nerves well enough so that the twinges I felt were rather minor. My muscle aches had faded to nearly non-existent. For a chronic sufferer like me, this is a welcome feeling, even if not completely what I was hoping for.
Dosing is usually recommended for every 4-8 hours, depending on the type and administration of Kratom. I decided to take my second dose at 4 hours, hoping that it would compound on the first dose like I've read many users attest to. For me, it did a little bit, but mostly it just seemed to extend the dulling effect. I repeated this approximately every 4 hours until I hit my Epsom salt soak around 10pm.
With 40 capsules in the pack, I was hoping to get good effects on just a couple pills, and be able to use this option fairly regularly. Today alone, however, I swallowed 17 pills in total. Now, this may seem kind of overboard, but seeing as my pain issues are rather severe, and it didn't knock it out, I think I'll survive. Sadly, though, this means I took almost half the jar of pills in just one day. If I was going to use this particular brand/strain, this means that I would need around 119 pills for the entire week. In turn, at the price I paid, my Kratom habit would end up being over $600 a month. Frankly, I'd rather go to the doctor and get Rx pills like Percocet instead. I'd even opt for grass, as that kind of daily habit (for me) would cost no more than $400.
This is not to say that this is not a quality product. In my opinion, it has to be pretty potent to even touch this mess of pain. I'm sure it would work perfectly well for milder pain issues, backaches, headaches, anxiety, etc. My sister, who is pretty new to this stuff, reported that she was completely devoid of pain and anxiety after taking 8 pills. She felt goofy and jubilant. The boyfriend felt the same, if milder, effects.
So, my recommendation is, if you're considering this option for severe pain problems, you'd probably be better off trying a different strain. I have had a lot of success with Maeng Da.
If you're looking for a supplement that will chill you out and keep you in a good mood, this is a good option. I appreciated the fact that they are bigger pills. While they may be more difficult for some to swallow, it also means fewer pills down the hatch.
In conclusion, I'll give two ratings:
For general use: 7 out of 10 nods
For severe pain: 4 out of 10 nods
Improves mood
Mild pain relief
1g pills
May be difficult to swallow due to size
Not very effective on severe pain
Want to give this, or other products you've read about, a try? Click here and visit my friends at
Super Fun Cave!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Herbal Headventure: China Red Enhanced Herbal Smoke
Hello Friends!
Today I am reviewing the China Red Enhanced Herbal Smoking Blend, which is a new product offered by Super Fun Cave. You can see the packaging and my pipe loaded with the blend in the picture displayed.
One thing that I wish we had technology for is sharing smells. Well, maybe not, because lord knows there are mean people out there who would share without discretion. ;) Anyway, Even before I had opened this package, I could smell the sweet, citrus-like scent. Unlike previous experiences with herbal smokes, the scent actually made me want to try it. It smelled delicious!
Opening the package made the scent even stronger of course, and peeking inside, I found myself even more pleased. This blend actually LOOKS natural. It looks like dried leaves and seeds, and the scent had me tempted to chew a little. However, I made it my goal to experience this blend in the way intended: smoking.
The blend was not packed too tightly, but it felt moist and fresh. It is easy to load into a pipe, and I'm sure would be just about as easy rolling it in papers or even adding it to a hookah or bong. As the name of the blend suggests, it was not surprising to find elements that are brightly red in color. The colors and smells are reminiscent of raspberry and tangerine.
This blend is indicated for relaxation and meditation. What little reviews are available suggest that smoking it produces a heady and pleasant euphoria. In the relatively short time we have been trying items out, I have learned that the word "euphoria" is used quite loosely, and seems to mean, for most, that it is relaxing and stress-relieving. Warnings include to not drive or operate machinery, which does give me a little bit of hope for a relaxing experience.
Setting spark to the bowl, thunder rolled outside while I took my first pull of this blend. Immediately, I'm struck by the flavor, a nearly potpourri-esque sweet and fruity flavor. The smoke is smooth and tasty, very easy to inhale and hold for a moment. The only downside so far is that upon exhale, the smoke sometimes takes on the flavor of a cheap brand of tobacco. However, experience shows that this is often NOT the flavor of the exhale, so do not be discouraged!
After about 15 minutes of enjoying the flavor, significant "chill factor" can be noticed. Since this blend is a natural smokeable, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to extend your enjoyment over several hours. My own choice in the matter is to take a few hits from the pipe, sit and enjoy the lingering flavor and the flow of relaxation sensations flowing through my body, hit it again, watch the lightning and dark clouds roll in, basque in the refreshing feeling of thunderstorm breeze coming through the open windows, and listen to the thunder while enjoying a marathon of the Saw movie series.
Overall, I would indeed recommend adding this smoking blend to a regular rotation of blends you might enjoy while participating in other tasks or activities. As long as you handle it responsibly, you should be able to enjoy and find happiness in your purchase. Smoke on and enjoy, my friends, I doubt you'll be disappointed!
This product deserves 9 out of 10 nods. Most, if not all, that choose to try this product will find it enjoyable.
Scent is delicious
Smoke on inhale is mouth watering
Pleasant, relaxing sensations
Easy to share, pass, and enjoy during relaxing activities.
May have occasional flavor issues depending on the ratio of the mix in one's pipe.
Would you like to try this product? Take the ticket and get on the ride! Can be found in the herbal smoke section.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Herbals: Gold Nugget Herbal Smokeable
Today we are reviewing Gold Nugget Herbal Smoke. In the spirit of honesty, this review is not a real time "first try" review. We have tried this herbal several times over the course of a couple months, in a variety of situations.
When one reads reviews of this dense, earthy smokeable, they might find themselves drawn in by promises of heady experiences and floating relaxation. I'll admit, that's what got me too. I wondered, how is it possible that something legal and chemical free could produce the reported euphoria? How would it compare to narcotics, to marijuana, to a DXM trip? Our decision to try this smokeable was one fueled by the desire to find something that could help us relax at the end of a long day, that was in essence cheaper than other herbal habits, and would not cause inconclusive or negative issues with drug tests.
Being a bit of a novice in plant extracts and blends, I was not really aware of the pricing per gram and how it compared to other products. Looking back, I'm glad that I was unaware, as it would have been hard for me to shell out nearly $20 for only 1.5g of substance. Don't let the amount deceive you though. This product has a long-lasting burn potential, and as many have said, a little bit goes a long way.
Our first experience was the same night we tried other quality products, such as Couchlock's MagnaHigh, and a Kratomite e-cig. We also tried Outer Edge herbal incense, but that's another review all together. First thing you notice when you receive GN is that the canister is nearly tiny. A quality package for the smokeable but far smaller than many pictures imply. It is about the size of a half dollar coin. Then you look at the herbal itself, and it honestly looks like dried clumps of feces. Sounds enticing, eh?
Breaking off a chunk was a little difficult due to density, but after a bit of crumbling is achieved, you can break it up easier. Taking hints from other reviews, I was prepared with a lighter that had a reliable blue flame. This smokeable is difficult to burn, sometimes frustratingly so. One pretty much has to continuously light it while inhaling in order to get a hit. We tried both traditional pipe and a homemade bong, and both required steady flames.
The flavor is a little harsh but has a cinnamon-like quality that I find fairly enjoyable. This flavor permeates the blend, making even the residual dust able to mix into things. Through trial and error, we have learned that while it might be harsh on its own, it does an AMAZING job making resin smoking more tolerable. The cinnamon quality overpowered the tar, burning rubber flavor you get with MJ resin.
For people who are well-versed in smoking herbs, it could leave something to be desired. This is especially true if you are seeking an escape from your head what the heck happened for the last hour kind of experience. However, this blend, for me, was a fairly enjoyable smoking experience. One cannot definitively say whether it's a placebo effect or if the plants in the blend are inspiring the relaxing state that follows several good pulls on this blend. Either way, the flavor is decent, and a nice change of pace for those that use many herbals in the course of the evening.
One very important point, though, is that to best harvest and enjoy this smokeable, I would recommend a grinder or at least taking some time to break it up into a finer leaf, almost like a powder. It burns far easier, the flavor is more present, and it hits more thoroughly. Many reviews neglect to inform inquiring minds as to what you might need to do to enjoy this best.
Overall? I suppose I enjoyed this blend. I definitely enjoyed it more than my partner. He tried for quite a while to draw some type of enjoyable experience from it but in the end, only felt a twinge of the hinted at experiences. Personally, I was more successful when it came to feeling stuff, but I did feel disappointed in a way. However, the fact that I bought 1.5g two months ago, and I still have at least half, attests to the longevity of the product. We do not smoke it every day, it makes it into my pipe once a week at best, but now that I know what to expect, I can say that it's a happy break, if weak in potency.
Flavor is an interesting yet enjoyable one
Creates a type of "juicy" sensation in the mouth
Relaxing and calming
Experiences vary
Difficult to grind/separate
I give this 2.5 out of 5 nods. Pretty average experience, have had better, have had worse! Worth the try though.
Find this product and more premium smokeables and other herbal supplements, along with party pills, kratom, and novelty items here:
Buy Legal Highs online!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Herbals: Kaboom Kratom Maeng Da
Hello friends! Today's headventure is Kaboom Kratom Maeng Da
Our friends at SuperFunCave have recently placed a large amount of new product for sale. One of these new items is the Kaboom Kratom 30 capsule packs. A great price for a decent number of grams. Since I'm looking for a good helpful herbal to manage pain, I decided to try this full spectrum Kratom product.
Starting dose: 5 caps (2.5g of Kratom)
Start time: 6pm
Admittedly, I ate a full meal prior to taking the caps. Many sources dictate that eating a large meal can mitigate or delay the impact of Kratom. My interest being what it is, I need an herbal that can contend with my daily life, which would include use while eating regular meals. With the number of pills I have at my disposal, the plan is to sit on the 5 caps for at least an hour to help them digest and run through my system. In the mean time, I'll state my first impressions.
While the Guci brand Maeng Da did the trick, the caps were blue and white, and possibly lower quality in the making. The Guci product was dusty as well.
Upon opening Kaboom Kratom, a few things struck me immediately. First of all, the caps are appear to be a clear gelatin cap, much like you would get with a capsule machine. The package was clear of extra dust, and I appreciated being able to see the powdered leaf inside. These caps also seemed to be larger, though admittedly, the dosing is the same. I'm not sure if this higher quality appearance is due to the new nature of the product or if this is a standard thing to expect from Kaboom Kratom. In the future, I'll be trying different strains from this company, and will remark further at that time.
6:58pm: At this point, I feel a mild though panoramic relaxing wave rolling in. One thing that I really appreciate about this plant is that while I would not recommend taking this for panic attacks, it does seem to have a thorough clarifying effect on my general anxiety and discomfort.
7:20pm: Added 2 pills to the 5 I started with, making the dosage 3.5 grams. While I could feel the first dose, I wanted to intensify the effect. Ultimately, I want to experience the effects acutely prior to adding some undefined incense later.
7:45pm: All pills kicked in. I feel myself sinking a little bit more into the relaxation. One thing I have noticed is that the rumors are true; a person really should drink at least 3oz of water per gram. Believe me, the potency of the Kratom is better defined when there is enough water in your system, and I'm definitely hoping that it will lessen any "hangover" effects I might experience later.
8:28pm: After an amount of musing on the effects, I've decided to dose one more time to round out to an even 5g. The potency of this brand seems to be less than that of others I've tried. For body discomfort, it is fine, but for those seeking a more headventurous experience, you may want to go with a more concentrated form.
One great thing about Kratom products is that through my experiences thus far, I know that even if I don't feel particularly heady, once I add some preferred smokeables, the herb really works to potentiate the experience. It works in tandem with so many items.
Price per gram
Clean packaging and quality capsules
Fairly quick and steady release
Medium potency
Perhaps not #1 for experienced Kratom users
Pills are pretty large, potentially hard to swallow
Overall: 3 nods out of 5, perfectly reasonable for most
You can obtain great prices and quality products here:
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Herbals: Kannabliss COUCHLOCK and Experience MD Premium 60x Kratom
Hello Friends!
Forgive me the fact that I don't have a timeline for today's post. During this headventure, we spent most of our time reveling in the delicious feelings and the inspired couch "lock"!
The evening started out simply enough. Saturday nights usually command a lowkey social hangout with my closest buds, and this weekend was no exception in that respect. One thing that changed was that I introduced a newbie to the Maeng Da powdered caps I reviewed in my last post. I'm happy to report that the newbie, after taking 4 caps, found herself enjoying the relaxing effects of some good Kratom. Unlike others in my crew, the newb is not well-versed in herbals, and doesn't have as much to fall back on for comparison. Watching her was fabulous though. What did she report?
After about half an hour, the Kratom had cured her headache pain, and had her melting into the couch. She experienced at least 2 good hours of a floppy, verge of getting drunk feeling coupled with a general feeling of goodness. I imagine that after she got home (she ended up staying rather late as she was just completely inspired to chill) she slept very well.
Once the newb had left, the more headventurous of us settled down with bottles of Kannabliss Couchlock. Following instructions, we downed our shots. Learning from a previous experience with Kannabliss MagnaHigh, we chose to take 1.5 bottles. While the dosage recommends you take one at a time, and no more than 3 a day, the two of us are above average sized people, so we upped the dose a bit.
Not long after, maybe 20 minutes, I felt the drink creeping into my veins. My body just turned into a blob... At least that's how I felt. Sitting on a computer chair without a backrest may not be the easiest thing to do for everyone. My partner claims he might be suffering the "anti-placebo" effect but he did find himself compelled to lay out on the couch. We did not feel much like watching anything complicated, so we stuck to the Howard Stern and Seth McFarlane cartoons.
Once it started hitting and settling in, I broke open the Experience MD 60x. A compact powder, clumpy smells very natural, almost like wet or decaying leaves. While I enjoy this smell in the autumn, it didn't make me very excited to taste it! I was hoping to have an epic experience, so this didn't deter me. Knowing that it was something that needed a strong flavored chaser, I decided to follow it with a very tart strawberry lemonade.
We chose different tactics to take our 1.5g doses. We also took some of the Maeng Da pills we gave the newbie. My partner decided to parachute the powder. I tried to mix it into my lemonade. Unfortunately, we both had issues "choking" it down because of the taste. Lots more fluids helped wash it down, and it wasn't too hard to wash out the flavor.
As the Kratom hit, I melted even more. I had the sensation that I was barely breathing. Everything felt relaxed and heavy in a very good way. Soon it was time to lay down and roll with it for the partner, and I followed maybe an hour and a half later.
While it was a pleasant experience, it wasn't exactly what I was thinking I was about to feel. Retrospectively, it makes sense, but at the time, I suppose I felt a bit disappointed. One thing that happened this time was that the relaxing, sleepy, stupefying feeling has lasted through the next day. Set us up for a lazy weekend full of naps, which was a heavily enjoyed experience.
Depth and breadth of the sensations was wonderful
Quick acting
Decent bang for the buck
Long duration of pleasant effects
Taste, I recommend getting a capsule machine if you're not very used to the taste of Kratom
Not necessarily as intense as advertised for some people
Length of duration can be an obstacle
Heavy hangover type symptoms
Nods? maybe 3.5 nods out of 5
I might try it again in a different mix, or taking all 3g personally.
Interested in trying Kratom? Visit my friends at Super Fun Cave for these products and more!
Buy Kratom Online!
Want a review of a specific product? Email me and I'll do what I can.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Herbals: GUCI Maeng Da Kratom
Herbal Supplement: GUCI Maeng Da Powder Kratom Capsules, Undefined Incense
Dose: 4-6 capsules
After a couple hours of enjoying an undefined incense, I decided to kick back, relax, and nom a few capsules of kratom.
Previous experiences with the plant have been through tame dosing via e-cig. I suppose I'm a relative novice, but I enjoy a headventure or three.
5:22pm~ Read the instructions and everything, chose to start with the swallowing of 4 capsules. I'm surprised to find that the caps are pretty big, and the bag has a powder residue that gets on your fingers. If you're getting caps so you can swallow them without tasting the Kratom, be ready with a strong chaser anyway. Keeping it simple, I filled my mouth with water and tilted back to drop in the pills. They went easy enough.
5:41pm~ The change in body high is distinct and sudden. I was feeling a bit chill when I looked up and found my head floating.
5:53pm~ Considering adding the rest of the max dose just for the curiosity of it. By now, my tongue is sort of numb, and sounds are of a sharper cadence. Visual focus is a little shaky. Decided to wait on adding after a couple minutes go by and things are still climbing.
6:05pm~ My eyeballs feel numb. Drinking a soda feels like almost nothing. Vision is very shaky upon movement side to side. Added 2 caps to make it to the full dose of 6caps per 12 hours.
6:48pm~ After enjoying everything, I found myself falling into a plateau state much like a DXM trip. The difference here was that there was no rise back up. I settled into a steady state of mellow, relaxed, detached from the body type of feeling.
I found myself relaxed and comfortable, but unable to sleep. I was not annoyed by this, but my napping partner was. After a while, we got up, and I found my body feeling fluid and relaxed. Most of my regular body pain was faded. The sensation was enjoyable.
After a bit, remember that Kratom is a potentiator, I decided to add more incense to the bowl, and let myself get swept into the aroma. This combo is VERY pleasant. It's basically a heavier headventure version of before. Feels amazing and tingly.
The only acute disappointment I feel is in the longevity of the experience. Most of the beneficial effects of Kratom faded by 2-3 hours in.
Package has a lot of powder for the money
Easy swallow, quicker release than some
Very effective, can achieve plateaus
Pain relief
Package is dusty and may need chaser
Pills are rather large
Early fade, medium longevity
Overall? A worthwhile product.
Four nods out of five!
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