Friday, May 10, 2013

Herbals: Kratom Therapy's Superior Maeng Da Kratom

Hello Friends!

This weekend, we are trying our current favorite strain of Kratom from a different supplier. Kratom Therapy's Superior Maeng Da Kratom holds the promise of pain relief, relaxation, and general mood boost at a great price. It's hard to beat the price you can get at Super Fun Cave. The question is, will the quality hold up at such a price? Or will quality be the cost of bargain shopping?

First impressions... One thing that I really appreciate is that the capsules from KT come in a quality, safety cap bottle. While I don't have children in my house, I do feel that this gives a more professional impression, and a more reliable seal. Don't get me wrong, other products from SFC have been great, and the fact that they came in bags or easy-open canisters is no reason to avoid the fine experiences one can have with them. I just feel this is a great thing to mention for those that DO have kids, and would like to have a safer alternative to the bags. Personally, I plan to keep the bottle and use it to store my "stash."

My original intention was to purchase Superior Red Dragon Kratom from KT, as it's rumored to be a lot of people's favorite. Well, this is supported by the fact that when I tried to order it, it was out of stock! It's a pretty well-established fact that Maeng Da is my current reigning champ, and I'm happy to sample it from various companies in order to make a good recommendation to those that are turning to this blog for help deciding. I suppose when your access is limited, it's better to go with the familiar over the new, but let the promise be known that the intention is to try all strains of Kratom available.

Anyway, on to the product at hand. While the bottle is safety capped, it is not very difficult to open. I like the fact that it's large enough to palm it and turn, which could help many who suffer from pain in their hands and rely on Kratom to relieve it. The capsules are standard .5g size, and obviously packed fresh. The bottle is a little bit dusty, but that's to be expected, especially from a company that deals in both caps and powders. One thing that can be appreciated is that this are not gelatin caps. They are 100% pharmaceutical grade vegetable capsules. I note this because I realize that many herbal enthusiasts are also animal-friendly. It was very easy to swallow 4g worth (8 pills) in one gulp.

This first dose took about 40 minutes to kick in, but when it started to hit, it hit big. As some of you may be familiar with, spring time is a time where many with pain syndromes feel just about every weather change to the core. I am no exception. Lately, I've been suffering a lot of acute fibromyalgia pain and some arthritic pain in my knees and arms. This type of pain can affect the mood, sleep, and other daily experiences, so you can imagine how uncomfortable I was when I took the pills.
At that first hit, I found my body relaxing and the aches beginning to dull. My body temperature definitely rose, which is not uncommon for Kratom, but it was not unpleasant. It felt sort of like bathing in the warmth next to a burning fire. My muscles became more pliable, where I could bend in ways that have been restricted for a while. Using this state to stretch felt amazing. I highly recommend doing some stretches if you feel so inspired, though of course, do so with caution if you have a medical condition that might be harmed by doing so.
As I concentrated on the feeling, my anxiety melted. My aches faded. I felt like I could breathe again, and enjoyed the cool spring breeze coming through the window. Soon, I found myself trying to encourage a friend to give Kratom a pain relieving try.
After about an hour, I got a touch of the munchies, but nothing too intense. After a snack, I was thirsty like crazy, and downed almost a liter of water in one set of swallows. I definitely urge you to keep a fair amount of water handy. (I thought you'd all like to know that when I originally went to write handy, I actually wrote "happy"... Perhaps indicative of how I feel?) As I've said before, the recommendation is generally 3oz of water per gram. This means that my liter of water clearly satisfied the "rule" and covered me for the 2g I added after about 2 hours.
The overall relief of pain and mental pressure is very enjoyable. Flavors of soda and cigarettes are more enjoyable. I'm pretty sure that if I added grass to the mix, I'd be blown out of my mind for a bit, but there isn't any around. I desperately wish I had bought more China Red like I was tempted to do because the flavor sounds mouth watering.
My plan for the rest of the evening is a long hot bubble bath and hopefully some blissful sleep. I promise to report any amazing dreams I might have in a special edition post ;)

Conclusions? I can honestly say this is probably the best solo use of Kratom that I've had so far. That is, without mixing it with other products or with grass. I'm not even taking OTC painkillers like I've had to for the last several days. Just a solo run, with the exception of SSRI, SNRI, and vitamins. While I'm well aware of the fact that these things are not intended for use with psychotropic medications, I firmly believe that one can experience just about anything they want to experience as long as it is done so responsibly.

I give Kratom Therapy's Superior Maeng Da 9 out of 10 nods. The only downside I've experienced is the fact that my pain is not obliterated completely. This, however, is hard for me to find outside of a hospital, so it's definitely a WIN in my book!

Pain relief
Mood boosting, mentally stabilizing
Profound relaxation
Heightened flavors, happiness, and well-being

None that I've experienced. Possibly my need to take extra, but that is a personal effect.

Want to try this quality product? Visit my friends at Super Fun Cave!

Buy Kratom Online!


  1. Thank you for that very informative post. I have just tried the very same kind. I took it about an hour ago and haven't felt anything yet. I took seven caps then just now another three. Hopefully, I get some relief soon. Thanks again.

    1. It can directly depend on if you have eaten, and how much water you're drinking. If you've eaten a meal, it can take significantly longer for it to kick in. It's not like taking narcotics, it doesn't hit "hard" and if you sit waiting for it, you'll probably not enjoy it nearly as much, as is true with most opioid receptor chemicals.
